IMAGE CITY In Rangareddy To Trigger Job Creation In Digital Media

The Telangana Government has identified Animation, VFX, Gaming and Graphic Design as a priority sector and is working closely with all stakeholders to accelerate investments through a flurry of timely initiatives including establishment of: The Telangana Animation and Gaming (IMAGE) City, a world-class training academy, and an Incubation Centre for animation, visual effects, comics and gaming (AVCGI) start-ups.

In order to boost the start-up eco system and drive job creation, the government is offering a range of fiscal incentives, tax exemptions/subsidies apart from facilitating the critical venture funding and seed capital facilitation to first generation entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in the AVCGI sector.

Promoting original content and improving the quality of Intellectual Property (IP), facilitating a legal framework for ‘IP’ protection, ensuring heightened awareness about the animation and gaming industry are some of the key initiatives of the futuristic ICT Policy undertaken by the Telangana Government to drive exponential growth of the Animation, VFX and Gaming industry in the state.

All these initiatives offer compelling reasons for global Animation, VFX and Gaming majors to establish their presence in Telangana, tap into the pool of skilled talent and thrive on the progressive infrastructure, while students chasing opportunities in this creative field can expect a plethora of exciting job opportunities with excellent long-term career growth prospects.