Latest Trends In Web Design : Beyond Adaptive And Responsive Design, There’s More On The Digital Horizon!

The ever evolving sphere of Web Design is throwing up new trends every day as businesses which are the largest deployers of websites, embrace change to stay ‘NEW’. Web Design skills are undisputably, one amongst the most in demand skills in today’s fiercely competitive digital era. While it goes without saying that an online presence is virtually indispensable to achieving the marketing communication goals for most businesses today, what has acquired great import is the need to have a high impact website that is technology and era-relevant. Many reputed web design training institutes and web design studios are researching ways to improve web design and make it more user-friendly.

It’s been some time since web design adopted a more flexible format: adaptive design that is optimized for all devices from desktops and laptops to tablets and mobile phones. Today with most people using their phones to search for information, communicate and shop, web designers are addressing the challenge of optimizing the website design to cater to mobile phones with different screen sizes and capabilities.

Thus was born Adaptive design which requires different versions of each web page and also installation of smart, intuitive web server programs that distinguish devices based on screen size and other features to deliver a version of the site optimized to the visitor. Adaptive design is cumbersome and very expensive which is why very few websites which can afford this technology. With time, even new expensive technologies gain wider acceptance and become affordable. While that’s yet to happen with adaptive design, a new, easier approach courtesy Responsive Design is gaining ground. Responsive design helps create one web page while deploying different sets of CSS rules to alter the format and layout depending on the browser’s window size.

Both find a common ground in the simple fact that responsive and adaptive web designs are primarily about creating web designs that are optimized to the screen as well as the device on which it is being viewed by a person. The idea is to create a multimedia website that functions smoothly on different screen sizes.

In a responsive design, the web page is created in such a way that the design fits the size of the device’s screen. A responsive web design is versatile and it responds to changes in the browser window size by swiftly adjusting the elements on a web page to fit the available space in the best possible way. When you drag the browser on the side to optimize the viewing size, you can observe that the design changes in real time. Adaptive design has a sophisticated detection system on the web server to detect individual devices that visit the site and then offer the ideal version of the site, depending on the screen size and features of the device.

With the speed at which trends are altering the discipline of web design, adaptive and responsive technologies may soon go obsolete while newer trends gather steam. This space is so dynamic and in such high demand that it is throwing up a plethora of job opportunities. Careers aspirants seeking a future in the web design would do well to get web design training at the best multimedia training institute to realize their dreams.