What was Ojha’s take on the future of gaming at the 25th anniversary celebrations of Creative Multimedia?
Discover the disruptive trends shaping content creation and the inextricable link between the immersive worlds of the Metaverse, simulation, and transformative tools such as Artificial Intelligence.

Mr. Rajat Ojha Founder & CEO of Gamitronics was invited as a special guest to the 25th Anniversary celebrations of Creative Multimedia, the top multimedia institute in Hyderabad. He congratulated Mr. Raja Sekhar, the Founder and CEO of Creative Multimedia on completing 25 years – a rare achievement in the multimedia education sector in India. “Gamitronics is in Hyderabad because of people like Raja Sekhar who have created great infrastructure for AVGC (Animation, VFX, Gaming, Comics) recruiters”, he quipped, as he went on to elaborate on the rising job opportunities in the gaming sector
Commenting on the growing influence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and its impact on the entertainment industry, particularly, the gaming sector, Mr. Rajat screened videos buttressing the fact that we are living in an increasingly simulated world where the lines between reality and fantasy are blurring. He asserted that due to many such ongoing, critical technology-driven developments, gaming institutes in India are updating their programs to meet evolving talent needs of recruiters.
Citing the case of the Metaverse where large corporates are dumping truckloads of money in immersive worlds, he claimed that gaming and entertainment are thriving on simulation. Highlighting the ground-breaking trends in content creation, he put out examples of companies that are doing groundbreaking work: digitally mapping the entire world in 3D and producing tools that can generate specific visual content using Artificial Intelligence tools.
Debunking the claim that gaming is a disease, he quoted a CMHO finding that said: “Online games encourage players to stay healthy and gaming is increasingly becoming a platform to socialize”. Strengthening his argument in support of gaming, he stated that it is a recession-proof industry and many take to gaming when stressed. In an interactive session with students on the reasons for the popularity of gaming, he said that games are designed to equip players with the power of control that they fantasize about.
Speaking about gaming as a career pursuit, he urged students to carefully consider and choose from the best gaming courses available so as to build a strong foundation and stay job-prepared.
His elaborate presentation included discussions on futuristic tools such as Unreal Engine. After he concluded his session, Mr. Raja Sekhar, Founder and CEO of Creative Multimedia presented a token of appreciation to Mr. Rajat.